The Skin Of Our Teeth Allows Students To See History In A New Light

Jessica Deyo

As the lights faded and the room grew silent, the stage, set with vintage furniture and design, was brought to life. Welcome to Cedar Street, New Jersey, home of the Antrobus family.  

The housemaid anxiously paced around in circles and spoke to the audience. 

“In the midst of life, we’re in the midst of death, and nothing else is truly said,” she says.

The housemaid couldn’t be any more correct, and the audience saw as she foreshadowed The Skin Of Our Teeth, a play designed to feature a modern family's struggle with the tragedies of the past.

The audience was immersed in the Ice Age, a massive flood and a war through the eyes of the family who must do what they can in order to stay alive. This highly interactive production even allowed audience members to help the freezing family and pass your chair up as wood for their fire.

Underneath the immediate issue of survival, the audience witnessed a child’s need to belong and the destruction of a family to infidelity, amongst other scenarios. The characters were forced to react first to life threatening tragedies while also coping with emotional instability. 

Nick Sima, a freshman studying communications, shared his reaction to the mix of events. 

“The play added an interesting twist to tragedies that happen to people every day. Because of the lightheartedness and humor,” he says. “I was able to relate to the characters and what they were going through.”

If you are looking for an experience like no other, head to Forum Theatre to see the final performances of “The Skin Of Our Teeth” on April 11-14 at 8 p.m. Tickets are free with a student I.D.


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