Bon Apple-Treat

Corrine rivers I Photos by Max Catalano

The trees are shedding their once-green leaves and the air is beginning to cool, announcing fall’s arrival. It’s time to break out the sweaters, scarves and pumpkin scented candles. These caramel apple desserts are the perfect completion to the autumn mood. Invite your friends over to enjoy these Backdrop original recipes while warming up around a bonfire.

Caramel Apple Slices (8-12 slices) I Preparation Time: 1 hour 20 minutes


  • 2 large apples

  • 3 ½ cups chocolate chips

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

  • 1 cup caramel sauce

  • 1 cup chopped walnuts

  • 8-12 wooden popsicle sticks

Directions: Cut apples into ½-inch slices and make a deep slit at the bottom of each slice. Insert a wooden popsicle stick into each apple slit. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt 3 ½ cups of chocolate chips. Add in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Dip each apple slice into the chocolate mixture and lay out on parchment
paper to cool. Let the slices sit for about 5 minutes (before the chocolate hardens completely). Drizzle caramel sauce and chopped walnuts over each apple slice. Refrigerate for 1 hour and serve immediately after refrigeration.

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Apple Cider Floats (makes 2 glasses) I Preparation Time: 20-25 minutes


  • ½ cup caramel sauce

  • ½ cup cinnamon sugar

  • 4 cups warmed apple cider

  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream

  • whipped cream

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Directions: In separate glasses, scoop 1 cup vanilla ice cream in each glass. Pour 2 cups of warm apple cider in each glass. In a small bowl, add ½ cup of caramel sauce and ½ cup of cinnamon sugar. Mix until ingredients are combined. Pour mixture into each glass and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Top with whipped cream and any leftover caramel sauce or cinnamon sugar. Serve chilled.


Mint to Be